Institutional Profile

The Millet and District Museum, Archives & Visitor Information Centre is an award-winning institution, operated by the Millet and District Historical Society (MDHS) not-for-profit group. 
The Millet and District Museum, Archives & Visitor Information Centre (formerly known as the Museum and Exhibit Room) was built by the MDHS in 1985, as a response to the material history of the local community disappearing. That same year, MDHS was registered as a charitable organization, with it's purpose being to "maintain, preserve, further develop, and expand Millet's cultural resources and to ensure them for future generations."  
The Museum is operated by Tracey Leavitt, the Executive Director/Curator, Maggie Peterson, the Curator Assistant/Programmer, as well as a team of Young Canada Works (YCW) and Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) staff, and volunteers. YCW and CSJ staff serve as Museum Assistants, Program Assistants, and Tourist Information Councillors throughout the summer months. 
The Millet and District Museum, Archives & Visitor Information Centre has extensive Artifact and Archival Collections, with many items being displayed in permanent, temporary, and virtual Exhibits.
We take pride in serving our community, and in partnering with community organizations, businesses, and individuals to better serve our visitors.