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Research Resources 

Historic Photograph Collection

Our historic photograph collection is available online through the Archives Society of Alberta's Alberta on Record Site.

Tales & Trails of Millet

Volume I and II

Our local history book The Tales & Trails of Millet (1977) is available online through the University of Calgary. Volume I contains an overview of Millet's history, veterans, schools, churches, and individual family histories. 



We hold the personal service records of Millet & district veterans of the First World War, and of those killed in action during the Second World War. Service records from the Second World War remain sealed but we hold photographs and basic history based on family/community memory for WWII veterans. 


Cemetery Records 

Millet is home to the Millet Community Cemetery & the adjacent St. Norbert's Catholic Cemetery. There are also multiple rural church cemeteries in our district. These cemeteries can be searched using the Find a Grave Website. 

Below is the Millet Community Cemetery Plot veteran's listing. A plot map is included. 

Video Interview Collection

The pictures below link to our YouTube videos of local history.

Research Request

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