Permanent Exhibits

Millet: From a Signpost in a Slough

Sign Post in a Slough exhibit 2018

Sign Post in a Slough exhibit 2018

The exhibit "Millet: From a Signpost in a Slough" officially opened on Sunday, April 1, 2001. It includes four facades depicting early Millet circa 1891 - 1940. The facades include The Millet Hotel, Burn Creamery, the Livery Barn built by Bob Elder in 1910, and the Mercantile Store. The exhibit is supplemented by several cases and floor displays.


Historic Village Display

Our lower level houses the Village Display, an exhibit of rooms portraying:

  • WWII Recruitment Office featuring photos of Millet's Second World War Veterans. 
  • The WWII Era Dance Hall
  • Tool Shed & Hillside Schoolhouse 
  • Nursery & Kitchen
  • John Barth's Barber Shop

 Artifacts in these displays represent the period from 1900-1950.

The material used to build the rooms came from the Walter Bredlow house on SE 4-47-24-W4, built in the late 1800's. The material was salvaged by Jerry Scott and Bert Loader. 

School Bell Kiosk

School Bell Kiosk 2021

School Bell Kiosk 2021

The Millet and District Historical Society has in its possession the school bell from the first Millet School, purchased by the Millet and District Lions Club. It is housed in a kiosk built by the Lions Club next to the Museum.

The Historical Society has installed on the front wall of the kiosk a mural depicting the Grade One classroom taught by Marjorie West (later Moen) in 1922. Aluminum plaques telling the history of the first Millet School and of the school bell are mounted on a sidewall in the same building. 



Pioneer Women

The Millet Museum created the Millet's Pioneer Women exhibit to celebrate our own local women's contributions. As quoted by the CARMN project - "official" history all to frequently ignored the contribution of women. While the notion of the "hand that rocked the cradle ruling the world" is often citied, with respect to museum collections, the contextual material around the lives of girls and women is not generally collected.

Domestic artifacts comprise a huge volume of community museum collections but the women who used them and gave them the patina of age are nowhere described or felt. Where women espouse "male" roles, as politicians and policy makers, they are captured in community histories. But all of those "nameless" and "faceless" women who are brides, mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, nurses -- all of those ways in which women function in communities -- are frequently missing from the pages of history.

The Exhibit begins to give these women their rightful play and makes them visible so that their stories can help us to understand the larger Canadian story.